Plantscape Designs’ founder and owner Joe Gallo, in addition to serving the clients of Plantscape Designs, is a prolific researcher and author. In 2010, he wrote, “101 Plantcare Tips for Your Interior Plantscape.” He also enjoys educating current and prospective clients as well as general plant enthusiasts by means of frequent blog posts. Read below for the most recent articles.

Succulents are coming ! Succulents are coming! Woburn, MA

Succulents from Florida are coming to our warehouse directly to your interior office environment, Woburn, MA.1. Watering and FertilizingMany people think that cacti and succulents require a small amount of water every once in a while. While its true that these plants...

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Cold damage interior green plants Boston, Ma

At Plantscape Designs Inc. cold damaged plants in lobbies or near open doors and windows are not guaranteed by our company.The reason being is that the clients carelessness cannot be covered by our insurance policy.The lower tier of plants in this planter above is...

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Using Robellini palms in your office interiorscapes Waltham, MA

Some fun facts about Robellini Palms before you attempt to use them in your Waltham plant interior landscape.They are a palm and not a Cycad.1. Height: 4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m)2. Hardiness:USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)USDA Zone 10a: to...

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Pony Tail Palm: Designs by PDIPlants Waltham, MA

Botanical name: Beaucarnea RecurvataPlant type: HouseplantSun exposure: Full Sun, Part SunPonytail Palms are a great, long-lived indoor plant. (Despite it's name and palm-like appearance, it's not a true "palm.")This plant has long green...

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