Firstly, the Staff we employ bring a tremendous amount of positive energy to Plantscape Designs Inc (Sometimes we wonder who benefits more from our green plant program , our corporate clients or us.) Secondly, our Staff is eager to learn, willing to help and is...
Converge Offices Peabody , Massachusetts designed and weekly maintained by Plantscape Designs Inc interior landscapers horticulturists . Replacing Faux plants for live green office plants helping to clean their office and building lobby air of carcinogenic airborne...
Danvers, MA Fresh Clean Carmen Art low light Interior Office Plants for Kelly’s Roast Beef Restaurant. Danvers, MA Fresh Clean Carmen Art low light Interior Office Plants for Kelly’s Roast Beef Restaurant. Fresh clean Carmen Art Office Plants New curved...
Plantscape Designs Provides Weekly Office Plant Maintenance to Danvers, MA Businesses Plantscape Designs Inc is the Danvers area’s leading provider of interior plant design, supply, and maintenance services. Call 781.632.4475 today to enhance your interior green space...
INDOOR MOBILE ROOM DIVIDERS & GREEN WALLS Customizable, versatile and reconfigurable room partitions, privacy screens, space partitions and mobile walls that add instant biophilic design benefits to any space. SHOP OUTDOOR MOBILE ROOM DIVIDERS & GREEN...
Why use fewer plants nicer containers in your interior offices? Fewer plants with nicer containers in your interior office work place can save your company money in the long run with interior plant maintenance costs. Nicer more expensive containers are a one time...