Rotational Flowering program Orchids and Tillandsia Westford, MA
Phal Orchid with Tillandsia strictaTiandsia stricta in Mini ProgramClose up Tillandsia Stricta bloomTillandsiaPhaleonopsis Orchid with attached TillandsiaNetscout has been Plantscape Designs, Inc. client for well over 15 years. Dave, Netscouts' facility manager...
Biological Weapons are used by Plantscape Designs Inc. on your Interior Office Plants Danvers, MA
Two Cryptolaemus Montrouzieri devouring mealbugPDI PLANTS Inc. has knowledge of, and access to, predators and parasites for combating insects and pest on your plants in the office workplace.1. Biological Controls really work!2. Mealy Bug Control: The citrus mealy bug...
Redesigning The Boston Design Center Boston, MA with Ficus Lyrata green plants.
Plantscape Design Inc. has recently helped redesign the Boston Design Center with live green interior tropical Ficus Lyrata plants (commonly known as Fiddle Leaf Figs) and Architectural Supplements' Earth Wall and Earth Cube containers in a spectacular burnt...
Pyramid Pothos, Interior Green Plant Enhancing Cogent Research’s Logo Cambridge, MA
Pyramid Pothos plant PDIBeautiful pyramid shaped plant with colorful foliage. 1. It's easy to care for and it's good in most indoor situations.2.To keep the plant looking full, do not let runners get to long before pruning. 3. Weave runners around form in a...
Orchid with Tillandsias PDI Flower Rotational Programs Concord, MA.
Phaleonopsis Orchid with TillandsiasOrchid and Tillandsias work well together in live PDI flowering Rotation Programs.1. Light:Lighting for Tillandsias should be bright but filtered (April - October). They should not be left in the direct sun in the summer months...
Our Boston / Cambridge, MA Interior landscape Staff Attending Monthly Educational Plant Clinics.
Custom House Tower Boston, MA - PDIPDI Plant Clinic MonthlyPlantscape Designs Inc services Downtown Financial District Boston, Custom House location and High Tech MIT buildings in Cambridge, MA.From major financial institutions such as Boston banks, insurance...
Thoratec Corp Burlington, MA Designs with Interior Green Plants and Built in Planter Boxes.
Ficus Benjamin Tree Thoratec CorpThoratec Corporation's main lobby in Burlington, MA has hand crafted oak wooden planters housing braided Ficus Benjamin trees with BJ Freeman green plants dotted with pink Farciata bromeliads for color.The sun lite atrium lobby easily...
Truck Load of Green interior Plants from Florida for your healthier office workplace Stoneham, MA
Florida interior plant deliveryInterior plant individually sleeved for cold protectionIn an effort to save our current and future client's money, Plantscape Designs Inc. receives healthy green plants by the truck load directly from wholesale distributors in Florida...
Rotational Living Arrangements Toshiba Corporation Marlborough, MA
Orchid living Arrangement interior office plant and flower careLiving Rotational Arrangemnet Flowers ToshibaLiving Arrangement Marlborough, MAInterior flower rotational Programs from Plantscape Designs Inc.Monthly flowering rotational programs are much less expensive...
Insect inspection on your interior green office plants by Plantscape Designs Inc.Waltham, MA.
Aphid Insects1. Aphid insect detection is ongoing at Waltham's, MA interior office environments by PDI interior landscapers. Occasionally our clients interior green plants have aphids and scale that literary suck the life juices out of them.2. Plantscape Designs Inc....
Low light interior green plants at Kelly’s Restaurant Natick, MA
Kelly's Restaurant Mahogany PlantersColorful Antiques anf low light green plant at Kelly's at Natick, MaPothos, Stomanthe, Sanservieria interior plants at Kelly's NatickLipstick Bromeliad with low light interior plants Kelly's MAKelly's Restaurant of Natick, MA is the...
Insect Pests on Interior Office Plants; Mealy Bugs and Trips Lexington, MA
White Mealy Bugs and Trips InsectMealy Bugs and Trip Insect Pest damage many interior office plants.Trip insect damage on Pothos leafTrip Insect Damage on new budding Pothos LeafMany thrips are pests of commercial crops due to the damage caused by feeding on...
Using Bird Nest Ferns in your Interior PlantscapeOoffice Design Woburn, MA
A Birds Nest Fern pictured here at one of our Woburn clients office reception is the perfect alternative to the pothos plant so commonly used in such dark office environments in Woburn, MA1. Asplenium nidus forms large simple fronds visually similar to...
Milky Way Cast Iron Plants; How and Why PDI uses Them in Your Interior Offices, Woburn, MA.
Milky Way Cast Iron PlantMilky Way Cast Iron Plants; How and Why PDI uses them in Your interior offices, Woburn, MA.1. Botanical Name: Aspidistra elatior2. As its common name suggests, Cast Iron Plant is tough. It will survive low light, infrequent watering and...
Marginata Staggarded indoor office plants in Westford Office Park Westford, MA.
before PDI plant careAfter PDI plant careStaggarded Dracaena Marginata green plants are frequently used in Planscape Designs Inc. corporate office environments in Westford Corporate Park, Westford Technology Park and Regency Park Westford, MA.The vertically tiered...
Tired Interior Office Plants Waltham, MA
Plantscape Designs, Inc has a free replacement plant guarantee policy with each indoor green plant that we care for in you interior office environment in Waltham, MA1. The below tired office plants were cared for by a competitor of ours. Plantscape Design, Inc...
Indoor Office Plants Used Outdoors Under Shaded Entrances at Pongo,LLC Northborough, MA
Brian preparing planting mediumBrian of Plantscape Designs, Inc. prepares planting medium for Arboracola Standard Trees for under entrance way canopy of Pongo, LLC of Northborough, MAArboracola planted with grow pot The tropical tree is planted with grow...
What are Saneveria Cylindrica within your office interiorscapes, Bedford,MA
Sanservieria Cylindrica by PDI1. Sansevieria cylindrica or Spear Sansevieria, a native of South Tropical Africa and Natal, is one of the more interesting Sansevierias that we use. The round, rigid leaves reach about 5 feet in height and are about 1-¼ inches in...
Kelly’s Restaurant Danvers, MA Green Plant Interior Planters.
Kelly's Interior PlanterIndoor planter Danvers, MAinterior office plants high lightPlantscpae Designs, Inc uses highlight pony tail palms here at Kelly's Restaurant.Pony Tail Palm why do Interior Landscapers Use It ?:Most interior plants are grown for their flowers....
Pony Tail Palm a high light office interior green Plant, Reading, MA
Pony Tail Palm High light plantPony Tail Palms mimic outside ornamental grasses.CareKeep soil fairly dry. Water from spring through fall allowing soil to dry on the surface before re-watering. During the winter only water occasionally.Fertilize in the spring and bring...
Anitas; another interior office plant used by Plantscape Designs Inc. Burlington, MA.
Anitas green plantAnita low ligth plantAnita dracenas are low light plants that are flexible enough to use almost everwhere in your indoor interior office environments.Not expensive to you, the client, and a very different leaf texture are two more reasons why we...
What are mini contemporary container gardens Concord, MA
Mini contemporary indoor gardens are miniature tropical planter arrangements for your indoor live green plantscapeMuch less expensive than fresh cut flowers plus longer lasting than any cut floral arrangement.Cute too!Your office can interchange these little living...
Waltham, MA Inside outside containers and green plants Longworth Venture Capital.
Jewel JC Compacta inside Longworth VenturesOrnamental Grasses outside Longworth Venture CapitalOrnamental Grasses are a large family of beautiful plants that add texture, color and movement to the garden. Like conifers and other evergreens, ornamental grasses also...
Letter of recommendation from CrossRef Lynnfield, MA Interior Landscape Client.
To Whom It May Concern: Addressed to Plantscape Designs, Inc. Management."I just wanted to drop a quick note to tell you how much we appreciate the great service we receive from your company. I would especially like to mention the fantastic effort Barbara puts...
Plantscape Designs Inc. interior plant care has a new interactive Website Stoneham, MA
We have just launched our new, updated website! One of its best features is its ‘responsive’ design – this means that the website automatically adapts to the screen size of the device it’s viewed on, optimizing the user’s experience independent on whether...
Sanservieria Green Plant, River Rock, Rondo Planter! Oh My! Intralinks Headquaters Waltham, MA 02154
Rondo PlanterRiver RockPlantscape Designs Inc new arrivals; the combination of Sanservieria green interior office plant with river rocks for under dressing and modern contemporary Rondo planters creates a chic vertical clean look for interior landscape office...
Outside Green Plant Install at CATS Academy Newton, MA by PDI
Outdoor plant install at CATS Academy, Newton MA Finished planter by Brian of PDIAt Plantscape Designs Inc., Brian, above, designs both the outdoor plant design as well as the indoor plants design of CATS Academy located in Newton, MA.. Brian then trains our...
PDI flowering rotation program weekly in Lexington, MA
Fairy Primrose potted flowers are used by Plantscape Designs Inc. in our weekly flowering programs.Many of our flowering program can last two weeks, one month or even two months. Like these common Primrose flowers, Fairy primrose flowers only can exist in a flowering...
Narrow interior office plants solve your tight office space problems Bedford, MA
Narrow interior office plants can solve the problem of greening your most limited office work space areas.Mona Lisa CanePodocarpus plantTotem pothosThe top photo by PDI of a medium light interior office environment is complimented with one of our Mona Lisa Cane green...
Interior Landscaper, Plantscape Design Inc., uses Vertical office plants at Kadence Boston, MA
Plantscape Designs Inc., Boston's interior landscaper uses vertical office plants at Kadence Office Headquarters in narrow spaces.Kadence interior landscaping by PDIMarinata cane Set by PDIMona Lisa Cane Tree by PDIUlyses cane sets plants PDINarrow corners and...