Red Princess philodendron Plant Care:
1. The Red Princess philodendron is a great office plant in your work place due to the ease of care.
2. Red Princess philodendrons are beautiful hybrid plants with large, slightly arched and full leaves that stand out in every room making them great plants for the home, office or cool garden.
3. The Red Princess philodendron is an evergreen vine that thrives in partial shade at moderate temperatures. While blooms on this fast-growing climber may appear at any time during the year, most plants in confinement never bloom.
Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Light Requirements
1. Red Princess philodendron flourish best in bright filtered or indirect light. However, the Red Princess philodendron is an excellent office plant that is able to thrive in the partial shade of the indoors.
Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Water Requirements
1. The Red Princess philodendron is commonly a tropical plant, which enjoys a moist environment. The soil surrounding the Red Princess philodendron must be kept moist but without over-saturating or drying out. Water the plant freely during the growing season; spraying or wiping the leaves often with a damp cloth. During the summer, mist the Red Princess philodendron leaves twice daily but water sparingly during the winter.
Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Fertilizer Requirements
1. The Red Princess philodendron does well with a well-balanced fertilizer. Grow the philodendron in a soilless potting mix, adding a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly.
Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Pests and Diseases
1. Though pests are not normally problematic for the Red Princess philodendron, common pests include insects and fungal problems. Typical fungal problems may include dasheen mosaic virus, scale, root rot, and fungal and bacterial leaf spots. Insects may include mealy bugs, scale insects, and spider mites.
Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Interesting Facts
Ingestion of any part of the Red Princess philodendron may cause severe discomfort. Contact with sap may cause skin irritation.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) list of poisonous houseplants, most philodendron including Red Princess philodendron are poisonous to many domestic animals such as cats.
At Plantscape Designs Inc. Red Princess Philodendrons are great for accentuating low light areas under your corporate art work in your Woburn, Ma interior offices.

Free Delivery Red Poinsettias !

Free Delivery of all Poinsettias with $50.00 order or more within Boston, MA and North shore 

Christmas Scenes & Poinsettias

“For over a decade our company has used the services of Plantscape Designs Inc and their staff Brian, John and Doddie to care for our fresh live green office plants on a weekly basis. Our office comes alive with these delightful living plants every day”.

Patricia/ office manager

Colorful Begonias

If You Can’t Ditch Them, Make Desks Pretty

Where desks aren’t being used, don’t put a big “out of use” sign on them, Avery said. He suggested finding more appealing ways to block out the space, like putting plants on a desk that isn’t in use to make a lovely green interior landscape or putting artwork on it. 

Just some of the services Plantscape Designs Inc Provides: Yes we are a Massachusetts Interior Office Plant Weekly Service.

1.   Free Commercial Consultations, Estimates, Proposals for indoor office plants Woburn, MA

2. Flowering Plant Rotations for your Commercial Office Reception Desks Woburn, MA

3. Weekly office plant maintenance & guarantee Woburn, MA

4.  Green Plant Company servicing Commercial offices locally Woburn, MA

5. Indoor Planter Design and Renovation for indoor offices Woburn, MA

6. Lexington , MA Living Tropical Plant Installation and Care for inside offices Woburn, MA

7. Living Plant wall design and Installation for inside offices Woburn, MA

8.  Lifelike Silk Plant Design and Installation for interior offices Woburn, MA

9.  Sale and Maintenance of indoor tropical plant and flowers for your offices green living Woburn, MA

10  Care and design of your interior office greenery Woburn, MA

11.  Commercial Office Indoor office plant Greenery Weekly Service Woburn, MA

12. Living Office Plant Rentals Woburn, MA

13. Office Plant Care Eco friendly Woburn, MA

14. Office Plant Service green living Woburn, MA

15.  Indoor Plant Design, Maintenance & Installation Woburn, MA

16. Free Indoor Plant Pricing and Design Woburn, MA

17. Living Wall Installation Care Design Woburn, MA

18. Interior Landscaping & Office Plant Installation Woburn, MA

19. Office Plant Servicing with weekly unconditional guarantee free replacement of your interiors cape office plants Woburn, MA

20 Interior Landscape & plant free consulting & free estimates Woburn, MA

21 Free Guaranteed  Interior office Plant replacement Woburn, MA

When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities. 


Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475