1. Succulents add a different texture to your office plant gardens and office space. The leaves are thicker than most tropical plants used by interior landscapers.
2. The Hens and Chickens, a common echeveria species add fullness and color to your office plant environment. Blues, reds, yellows and shades of green radiate from these botanicals.
3. PDI is currently using these desert loving plants in south west window environments with our pharmaceutical clients located in Cambridge, MA and Waltham Ma. corporate interior offfice plant locations.
Plantscape Designs inc Weekly Services Cambridge , MA and Waltham, MA
- Watering corporate indoor office plants
- Cleaning interior corporate office plants
- Fertilizing indoor office corporate plants
- Trimming /pruning interior office plants
Precautions our company will be taking to protect your employees as well as your customers.
- PDI will be asking how our employee feels each day.
- PDI will have employee’s take temperatures each day before their respective shifts.
- PDI will ask employee if they have had potential exposure to Covid-19.
- PDI will be issuing PPE to our employees.
- PDI will perform any sort of Covid-19 testing on employees when they become available from our government.
Call joe gallo 781.279.0032 ext 101
contact joe@pdiplants.com