1. It was a university botanist – or bloemist, as the Dutch would say – who hit upon the notion of breeding more and more exotic-looking varieties, and thus (unknowingly) set in motion the series of events which would forever link his homeland to tulips.
2. Carolus Clusius, working with Viennese seeds in the botanical garden of Leiden University, discovered that some bulbs produced unusual variegations or dramatic colorings, instead of the uniform colors for which tulips were known.
3. Clusius began weeding out the simpler varieties and breeding only the ones which seemed most stunning and unusual. Throughout Haarlem, multicolored tulips became the must-have. Tulips with white backgrounds splashed with vivid reds or pinks were hottest, with purple markings the next most-prized. Dark colors on a yellow background were collectible, too, though not to everyone’s taste (not for nothing were they termed “Bizarden”).
4. Bloemists like Clusius soon noted that only bulbs and buds passed on the most dramatic markings, which meant literally only a few owners at a time might have a particular tulip, and that it would take years for there to have been enough buds and successive bulbs for those numbers to swell. When a new tulip appeared, only the wealthiest, most well-connected buyers could dream of possessing it. PDI services Boston Office Plants.
Plantscape Designs Inc distributes dozens of tulip varieties to your Boston office interiorscape in the downtown Boston, Ma corporate buildings.