Insects-Interior-office-plants-Fungus-Gnats-PLantscape-Designs Inc

Fungus gnats are tiny flies that don’t bite or spread human pathogens/diseases. The only way they can harm us is through frustration as they invade our houseplants or spring seedlings.
What do fungus gnats look like?
They are small, grayish to black flies that are 2 ½ millimeters long and resemble tiny mosquitoes (minus the bloodsucking). Their legs are long and slender, and their skinny antennae are usually longer than their heads. Their wings are shades of gray. Fungus gnats are relatively weak fliers and generally remain near potted plants, often running or resting on soil or leaves.
What kind of damage do fungus gnats do?
They may not threaten human health, but with fungus gnats you get a triple whammy: Not only do people hate to see them in general, the pests can be vectors for plant diseases – not good! “What’s a vector,” you ask? It’s an organism that transmits a pathogen, so if you have a sick plant, fungus gnats can spread it to all your healthy neighboring plant friends. They can also vector several different fungal root rots, including ones called Fusarium and Pythium, and even foliage pathogens like Botrytis. And as if that’s not bad enough, fungus gnat larvae make breakfast, lunch and dinner out of your plant roots.
So there’s good news, and there’s bad news: The good news is adult fungus gnats only live about one week. The bad news is that in this short time, the female will deposit 100-150 eggs on your plant’s soil surface. These eggs are laid in strings of three to 40 and can hatch within four days of being laid!
The emerging larvae are clear to creamy-white and can grow to about 5 ½ millimeters long. They have shiny black head capsules. The larvae feed on tasty root hairs in the upper 1 centimeter of the soil, then work their way up into the plant stem. (They also love to feed on the roots of your newly planted seed, so watch those seed-starting trays in spring!) The larvae feed on highly organic soils, too. After feeding for approximately 14 days, the larva pupates. In about three and a half days, an adult will emerge from the case. The total life cycle takes two to four weeks.
At Plantscape Designs Inc. ,we combat the infestation of fungus gnats with bological control such as the use of parasitic nematodes in our N.E. plantscape clients.



Beneficial Nematoties

PDI has knowledge of and access to predators and parasites for combating insects and pests in your workplace plants.

Black Fly Problem?

Small black Fungus Gnats flying in front of your computer screen? Those annoying little pests! We can solve you problem with parasitic nematodes.


Beneficial Nematodes: Yes, good nematodes really do exist! These minuscule beneficials are barely visible to the naked eye as time threads. They attack only insects in moist soils or borer tunnels. Plants, earthworms, and vertebrates are completely unaffected by these tiny beasts. The major requirements for successful use are an environment that does not dry out, and appropriate application rates.

Beneficial nematodes can be supplied in a spray concentrate or a moist granular carrier. Please consult us with your particular needs.

When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities. 


Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475