1. Unsightly surfaces on your Boston green interior office plants can lead to malformed botanicals or ultimately the death of your indoor office tropical plants.

2. The above leafy photo (Dracena Massangeanna illustrates dust accumulation. As these particulates adhere and accumulate on the green leaf surfaces , photosynthesis ( chemical food production) for your indoor green plant is inhibited or compromised negatively.
3. The photo to the right illustrates( Dracena Marginata leaf) another kind of biological accumulation of white mealy bug insect populations covering as well as penetrating your Boston office indoor plants surfaces, blocking light compromising your plant’s ability to produce food through ( photosynthesis) as well a sucking out its life sustaining juices.
Plantscape Designs Inc visits weekly your office plant interiors with a vigilant eye for both these plant leaf surface blockers , both cleaning and using biological controls to rid your indoor plants of these above problems.

Plantscape Designs Inc Reentry Three Point Program.

Joe Gallo
781.279.0032 x101
joe@pdiplants.comPlantscape Designs inc Is Offering a Three Point Reentry Program:

1.Assessment : Of your Current interior corporate Plants

2. Sales :of New plants you may need

3. Service : Resuming of your weekly care and plant service

We miss our customers. Please let us know when your offices will open and we can resume interior plant service. PDI is committed to provide safe and quality work.We value our customers and employees that is why we will continue to follow universal precautions and CDC guidelines to ensure safe entry into your offices and keep our employees healthy.We have been and intend to service more of our clients in these upcoming weeks and months during the Coronavirus crisis.How are we able to do this?Very discreetly and safely. A quick weekly visits using CDC guideline safe practices :
• Two of our volunteestaff not our twenty shall water and maintain your plants
• Face masks that are continually sanitized and replaced are being used daily
• Use of 70% isopropyl alcohol sprayed on all our surfaces and your surfaces that we come in contact.
• Use of 3% hydrogen peroxide sprayed on all our surfaces and your surfaces that we come in contact
• Use of disposal latex gloves and reusable/ washable gloves
• None of our staff are allowed to work if they have a fever or otherwise feel ill
• Our staff are instructed to have no contact with your security nor maintenance personal
• We are practicing 6 feet or more social distancing
• PDI will follow CDC guidelines between your staff and ours to ensure mutual protection.We are ready, safe and healthy!

Be Safe
Joseph R. Gallo Jr
President/ Founder

Call 781.279.0032 ext 101

Contact Joe@pdiplants-com

Kind regards,
Plantscape Designs Inc/ Team
©2020 Plantscape Designs Inc. | 41 Elm Street (Rear) Unit C, Stoneham, Ma 02180Kind regards,
Company / TeamIMG 1412
©2020 Plantscape Designs Inc. | 41 Elm Street (Rear) Unit C, Stonehal Ma 02180

Photo of mealy bug infestation on Aglomania leaves