Spider mites
spider mite insect infestation of indoor officeplants
” Great installation. All plants fit well in our modern wall unit planter dividers. Biophilic solutions merging with our contemporary wall unit office planter dividers which at as live privacy social barriers.” Both aesthetically and healthy function for corporate offices”
Rebecca Morris
office Manager
Burlington Massachusetts
interior office plant infested with spider mite |
Indoor office plants can attract a whole host of annoying insect pests in your interior plant office environment.
Weekly visual checks by our staff and the application of insect parasites and insect predators can quickly eradicate these little pests. An example of a beneficial insect predator PDI applies to insect infested interior green office plants is p.permilis (red -orange) preying on a two spotted mite.
Two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) and several other pest mites are the target food of P. persimilis ( orange below photo), which will consume 5-10 pest adults or up to 20 pest eggs/day.
p.permilis preying on a two spotted mite |
Rubbing alcohol sprayed on these adult insect pests can suppress these types of insects feeding on your interior office plants.A 50% isopropyl alcohol applied to these insect can help.
If none of the above procedures do not take effect PDI will replace the diseased indoor plants free of charge in our Burlington, MA interior offices of Rebbeca’s Cafe.
Other cities and towns Plantscape Designs Inc. service with an unconditional guarantee are as follows:
When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities.
Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475