Salem-Ma-Ficus-Trees-Danelli ficus tree-Plantscape-Designs-Inc-weekly-interior-landscaping-service

The redo of the internal four floors of this long-established bank included adding interior green plants to soften the hardwood floors and brick walls. The contemporary Earth Wall horizontal containers and Classico cylindrical upright planters adds a nice modern architectural touch to the bank’s interior.

“We have a lot of foot traffic here at this main branch of our bank. The inside plants have made our office floors and cubicle areas more welcoming and friendly to our clients and employees.”
—Joseph Longo, Vice President, Salem Five Cents Savings Bank, Salem

Discover the Health Benefits of Plants in an Office Space

Live plants have a long-recognized health benefits that are both physical and mental. Plant systems clean the air by decreasing carbon dioxide from between 10-25%. Additionally, plants remove toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde from the air. This means that humans can breathe easier in offices and homes with plants. Live plants also add humidity. Furthermore, even a modest, medium-sized plant can make a dramatic difference in the quality of the air that a room’s occupants breathe. The health benefits of plants also include a demonstrable reduction (of up to 30%) of neuropsychological symbols—such as headaches and fatigue).

Health Benefits in the Post-Pandemic World

Since the year 2020 and beyond, office plants have represented an added health benefit in interior spaces: social distancing. Not only can plants minimize distracting chatter by means of dampening noise, they can also aid employee health by promoting social distancing. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges for many American business with respect to returning to the workplace. Interior plantscapes, when artfully designed and strategically placed, can minimize the spread of contagions by serving as barriers. Finally, the psychological health benefits of plants are irrefutable; the presence of natural plants helps a room’s occupants to focus and decreases stress levels.

When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities. 


Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475