Plantscape Designs Inc has just done some make overs for our Lexington, Ma property clients.

1. Less plants

2. More river rocks

3. Repetion of just a few leave shapes

4 Cleaner look, simpler design

PDI services the Lexington, Ma building interiorscapes for over 35 years.

Covidien is a provider of gobal healthcare products, and operates three of its research and development centers in Massachusetts. Their Bedford facility on Crosby Drive focuses on surgical solutions. Plantscape Designs, Inc., has populated their office with live green office plants, providing both beauty as well as a more healthy working environment.

It’s not surprising that studies both in the United States and Europe have shown that well-maintained interior landscaping helps decrease stress and increase worker productivity. In addition to enhancing the image and ambience of a building, plants also improve air quality and reduce noise levels.

Many office buildings are sealed tightly to increase HVAC efficiency; within these buildings, man-made articles such as paints, plastics, insulation, plywood, carpets, synthetic fibers and detergents emit up to 300 harmful pollutants, contributing to “Sick Building Syndrome”. “Sick Building Syndrome” can develop into an expensive liability when these toxins become concentrated in these sealed environments. Employees can become ill, suffering from various maladies including fatigue, headaches, and sensory irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. However, plants have been shown to absorb these pollutants into their roots, cleansing the toxins from the air, and providing food for the plants. An excellent online article, titled “Benefits of Green Plants” describes this and other benefits of using green plants indoors.

 The interior landscape design effects of Plantscape Designs Inc. has transformed our working conditions immensely for a better, healthier environment!
— Holly, Covidien – Lexington, MA


Office Manager, Covidien

September Free Proposals / Estimates for your Monthly Commercial Office plant Landscaping Services

Includes floor office plants, desktop office plants, weekly watering of green plants, cleaning & trimming of office plants ,free replace of unhealthy plants guarantee.

Just some of the services Plantscape Designs Inc Provides:

1.  Lexington, MA Free Consultations for indoor office plants 

2. Lexington, MA Flowering Plant Rotations for your Office Reception Desks 

3. Lexington , MA Weekly office plant maintenance #officeplants

4. Lexington, MA Green Plant Company servicing Commercial offices locally 

5. Lexington , MA Indoor Planter Design and Renovation for indoor offices 

6. Lexington , MA Living Tropical Plant Installation and Care for inside offices 

7. Lexington, MA Living Plant wall design and Installation for inside offices 

8. Lexington, MA Lifelike Silk Plant Design and Installation for interior offices 

9. Lexington, MA Sale and Maintenance of tropical plant and flowers for your offices greenliving

10 Lexington , MA Care and design of your interior office greenery 

11. Lexington, MA Office Greenery #sustainability

12. Lexington , MA Living Plant Rentals 

13. Lexington , MA Office Plant Care Eco friendly

14.Lexington, MA Office Plant Service green living

15.Lexington, MA Indoor Plant Design and Maintenance 

16.Lexington, MA Indoor Plant Pricing and Design 

17.Lexington, MA Living Wall Installation Care Design

18.Lexington, MA Interior Landscaping & Office Plant Installation

19.Lexington, MA office Plant Servicing

20.Lexington, MA Interior Landscape & plant consulting

Lexington , MA office plants

When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities. 


Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475



Plantscape designs Inc Sample of an Autumn commercial lobby / entrance way Arrangement Lexington, MA