Axiel Financial Five Burlington Woods
Interior plants in Planter Burlington, MA

The above lobby has earth form Architectural planter made of fiberglass contains two interesting and contrasting tropical interior office plants, in one of our Burlington, MA office location.


The new open weave braided low light Marginata green office plants are different and airy. The contrasting shorter but colorful twirly Warneckii have thicker heavy leaves.


1. Dracaena Warneckii is also called Striped dracaena, this plant has some similarity to “Janet Craig” as it is a medium sized shrub. Its foliage is narrower than “Janet Craig” and comes to a sharper point, with distinctive white stripes running lengthwise in the leafs center.
2. Dracaena deremensis Warneckii “Jumbo” is slightly more compact with wider leaves and Dracaena deremensis Warneckii “Lemon Lime” has dramatic green stripes on its foliage.
Dracaena Warneckii bush interior office plant care
Warnecki interior office plant
3. Dracaena can get pests like the mealy bug, spider mites and scale! 
4. The temperature requirements for Warneckii is a comfortable 75 degrees and the water requirements are low. Dracaenas are one of the plants used in the NASA Clean Air Study and has shown to help remove Formaldehyde.
5. Dracaenas have wide leaves that do accumulate dust. Wipe leaves regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust. Although most Dracaenas have few problems with pest, occasionally mealybug and scale can attack the plant.

This planter design is currently being displayed in one of our downtown Burlington, MA interior office lobbies. Design created by Plantscape Designs Inc of Mass

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New Social Distancing designs using interior office plants

New interior office foliage designs for social distance in Corporate offices Burlington, MA

Social Distancing Barriers using Interior office Plants & Planters

Make it Mobile

In normal times, corporate offices use their board  rooms for a variety of events. Many of the options we’ve discussed so far, however, are somewhat permanent. Moving a large planter is no easy task! For this reason, we think that an investment in plants should be done with an eye for the future. The products we sell today, need to last for years to come. That’s sustainability! 

As corporate offices start to open and we approach a return to normalcy, more and more events will be back on. The backlog of postponed company meetings will start to unfurl, and offices will be charged with adapting their rushed COVID spaces into more dynamic venues. 

Our third and final tip is to focus on ways that one can introduce mobile greenery to build sustainable social distance. Take for example our innovative BioMontage & NextGen Living Wall Room Dividers. These come on rolling, lockable casters and can be connected to create modular space. Similarly, many of our planter

When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities. 


Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475



Plantscape Designs has satisfactorily maintained the interior plant materials at Burlington MAll for over three years.

Unlike most Commercial installations, our building is open to the general public more than 80 hours a week thus, subjecting our plantings to unusual circumstances .

Plantscape Designs Inc continues to respond to our needs for the varied plant materials in the building.



Randy R. Lapides

General Manager