Barcelona Opera Theatre Using Live Green Office Plants to Social Distance The Artist from Live Audiences. Symbolically illustrating the importance of Covid19 social distancing and and the positive energy emitted to the artist from the presence of live green plants.

Call Joe Gallo 781.279.0032 ext 101



Plantscape Designs Inc is Here to Service Your Plants; Just Let us in Your Offices!

.Plantscape Designs Inc has and shall in the near future upon full reentry/ reopening of all businesses follow the CDC GUIDELINES:

A. The wearing of masks sanitized with 70% isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide

B. The wearing of gloves sanitized with 70% isopropyl alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide

C. The social/ physical distancing recommended by CDC of 6′ or more

D. PDI employees shall not be working at your location nor ours if said individual has a cough, sneeze, fever symptoms wethers it be of flu, cold, seasonal virus or covid-19 association.

thank you

Joseph R. Gallo Jr president/ founder of PDI

781.279.0032 ext 101

Joe Gallo

781.279.0032 x101

Kind regards,

Plantscape Designs Inc / Team