Nature’s Nurture
Biophilia is not a trend. It is a philosophy, one that feeds the fundamental understanding that man exists not with nature, but because of it. With increasing environmental consciousness and a heightened inter-dependency awareness, biophilic design is being rapidly incorporated into our concrete environments.

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Biophilia is not a trend. It is a philosophy, one that feeds the fundamental understanding that man exists not with nature, but because of it. So, it’s imperative that a relationship of respect is forged, and an explicit acknowledgement of its relevance be rationalized in the way we conduct our everyday lives, a big part of which is the spaces we inhabit. With increasing environmental consciousness and a heightened inter-dependency awareness, biophilia is rapidly being incorporated into our lifestyles through design, decor and aesthetics.

What it implies
The word literally means ‘an innate and genetically determined affinity of human beings with the natural world’, according to biologist EO Wilson. In short, it’s all about getting the outdoors, indoors. Creating access to natural light, verdant greens, installing wood accessories, transitioning to organic construction materials, accessorising with nature-resembling motifs—all have proven long-term benefits such as stress reduction, better cognitive function and blood pressure management. Biophilic design is actually a multi-sensory function. The ideology is not simply limited to visual stimulus but also auditory and olfactory senses, that is empirically tied to the strong human-nature interconnectedness. 
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