Indoor Office Plant Monstera Deliciosa Applied in Your Interior Office Work Space Design Watertown, MA
Plantscape Designs Inc Provides:
1. Free consultation for office plant assessments.
2. Friendly and fast installations and replacements In Watertown, MA
3. Weekly service and lifetime guarantee of our plants.
4. Prices that are hard to beat in Watertown, MA
call Joe Gallo 781.279.0032 ext 103
Another Positive Testimonial
Mimecast, 480 Pleasant Street, Watertown, MA
Mimecast provides an integrated email cloud subscription service which delivers comprehensive email risk management for their clients.
Because of their limited space, Plantscape Designs, Inc. has provided them with myriad plants in tall stylish Lechuza Cubico plant containers. This economical plant presentation gives the perception of having larger or taller mature green office plants.
We have tight quarters here. These tall cylinders from PDI allow us to purchase smaller, less expensive green plants reducing our maintenance guarantee costs. The taller planters display these as if they were more expensive interior green trees with more height. We also have taller large trees as well.
— Kayla Keefe, Office Manager, Mimecast, Watertown, MA