When it comes to watering Aloe Vera Plants there are many things to consider and factor in. The questions that often get asked are…When should I water my Aloe Plant within my interior office workplace.
1. Aloes like to be dry.
2. Aloes like the soil to dry out before next watering.
3. Aloes need a soil that’s sandy and course so the water can drain through it quickly.
4. The best indication as to when you should water your Aloe plant should be best determined by feeling the soil. Stick your finger in the soil about 2-3 inches and feel for dryness. Adjust to the pot size; Little pots/plants check the soil 1-2 inches and big pots/plants go deeper 3-4 inches or maybe a little more.
5. You want to check the soil in a couple different areas for dryness and make sure there is no moisture before watering again. Depending on the size of the pot or where it’s planted in the ground it’s not uncommon for one portion of the soil to be dryer than another portion so give the soil a couple checks near the base of the plant
6. Soil that’s just a little moist tends to be a little darker and sticks to your fingers more than dry soil. Often people compare the dryness of the soil to the wetness right after a good watering and think that the soil is very dry in comparison when checked days or weeks later. This is where over-watering problems often occur and people get confused because the soil seems dry by comparison.
7. Keep it simple and stick to the rule of thumb. The soil needs to be completely dry. Aloe roots aren’t very long so if you have your Aloe plant in a tall pot or if it’s planted in the ground just stick to the finger check mentioned earlier and feel the soil. It shouldn’t be the slightest bit moist. It should be dry and you should give the plant a moment to enjoy the dryness before watering again.
8. Red and Brown or redish brown tones can be a result of to much water, to much sun or root damage. It’s sometimes difficult to tell but if you’re paying attention to what you’re doing the answer can usually be the result of a change of environment, stress, soil or watering schedule. Sometimes to much water will cause the Aloe leaves to begin turning a red or brown tone.
9. The best thing to do when there is a negative change on your plant such as color, try adjusting something such as less water or moving sun in/out of shade and watch it closely for two weeks to see if there has been a change. Don’t be impatient, give it time to react then you’ll know what’s working.
10. Yellow can be seen in two common areas. Tips or edges start getting yellow and then dark spots on the yellow, this is usually a sunburn issue but if the entire plant is turning a yellow shade then it needs more sun and if given proper sun light the plant will start to turn green again. Just pay attention to the change you make and watch your plant closely over the net two weeks.
Aloes can go a long time without water, weeks and even months depending on the health of the Aloe. The plump aloe leaves retain water so they can go extended periods of time without water. Follow the rules for letting the soil dry out completely before next watering and give your Aloes a few days to enjoy the completely dry soil. A typical rule of thumb is a couple of times a month give or take depending on the climate and weather conditions.
Plantscape Designs Inc. frequently use aloes for our clients sunny window locations in downtown Boston, MA interior offices.