Greenwalls by Vicinity – How it works Partners with Plantscape Designs Inc Massachusetts

Green Benefits Cambridge, MA

Living walls are self sufficient vertical gardens that are attached to the exterior and / or the interior of a building. The plants receive water and nutrients from within their vertical support and no electricity is required!

Our Living Walls closely mimic nature and allow plants to grow to their full potential, without limitations. 

Check out a few of the benefits with incorporating living walls into your environment Cambridge, MA

The leaves of plants attenuate sound by absorbing acoustic energy in small amounts Cambridge, MA


Property Value
Studies have shown having greenery in your business increases the numbers of patrons.


Simply having a view of plants in a working environment gives a positive physiological responses. 


Save Energy
Through the process know as transpiration, which naturally cools your office work place Cambridge, MA

Call Joe Gallo 781.279.0032 ext. 11

or mail for free consultation and written proposal.

Benefits of Office 


1. Plants reduce carbon dioxide levels
2. Plants reduce volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) in the air
3. Plants reduce stress
4. Plants reduce the symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome
5.Plants can increase productivity by 14%
6. Plants can increase creativity by 15%

7. Plants can decrease absenteeism by 12%

8. Plants will improve humidity levels in your environment

9. Plants reduce ambient noise

10. Plants can lower shading coefficients in your office work place

Plantscape Designs Inc of Massachusetts

Place your orders soon for best selection!

With our experience setting up Christmas flowers, tree arrangements and other office holiday decorations for Boston-area offices and modern corporate headquarters along the Route 128 area, we know how to please our clients. Our design team will carefully listen to your suggestions to help you transform your office into a seasonal wonderland that you’ll be proud of. Our holiday decor group can provide anything from extravagant indoor or outdoor displays to simple arrangements for your reception area. Leave your holiday plant decorating to us for a less stressful time during the busy holidays! Please visit our Seasonal gallery to see our work and get some ideas for what you’d like for your holiday plant decorations in your Boston area office!

Poinsettias and other Live Plants

We offer a wide range of Poinsettias, Christmas Cactus, Kalanchoe, Cyclamen, and Amaryllis bulbs. We can also create arrangements to order with these and other complementary flowers and plants. These office holiday plant decorations can increase your staff’s happiness and show your clients your holiday spirit.

Wreaths and Garlands

We offer fresh balsam or artificial life-like indoor or outdoor holiday wreaths and garland with multiple colors and themes. (Artificial greenery may be required indoors due to fire codes – please check the codes for your business before purchasing fresh.) All of our wreaths are constructed in our warehouse, tailored and customized to our client’s liking.


Holiday and Christmas trees are delivered to your office workplace and decorated on location; traditional, modern and themed designs can be created for you and your staff. Visit our Seasonal gallery to see some of our holiday tree installations.

Holiday Displays and Winter Scenes

Holiday non-denominational scenes are created and built with natural seasonal themes in mind for all to enjoy. We’ve created various displays for our clients that include antique skis and snowshoes; toboggans, birch trees, fuzzy black bears, faux snow, wrapped gifts, and much more. Visit our gallery to get inspired with ideas for your workplace.

Red Poinsettias Delivered to your Offices

Holiday Inspiration & Magic with Red Poinsettias and Wreaths Garland and More…

” Superior weekly plant design, Installation weekly watering service & free plant replacement guarantee by Plantscape Designs Inc friendly Staff.

Always on time and consistent with there weekly maintenance programs;

Our offices are alive with these exotic indoor plants assisting us with cleaner air from airborne chemical pollutants like styenes, formaldehydes & benzenes .

Most recently , life green plants have been proven to reduce the viability of Covid19 airborne virus within office workplaces.”

States; Meredith office manager

Consentini Office Boston, MA

When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities. 


Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475