“Our Reception Area and offices are alive with fresh green healthy office plants. Cleaning our indoor office air from airborne carcinogens and creating a more welcoming environment for both client & Employee” Eric Anderson/ CFO
White webbing all over your indoor Boston plants? Dry brown look to leaves? A new generation is produced every eight days. Millions of eggs are produced by one female adult in your Boston or Cambridge, MA office plant interiors. Spider Mite control: An ever increasing...
Sago Palms (Cycas revoluta) Woburn, MA 1. Sago Palms (Cycas revoluta), one of the most primitive living seed plants, are very unusual and popular ornamentals. A rugged trunk, topped with whorled feathery leaves has lead to the common name “Sago Palm”,...
OUR GUARANTEE Plantscape Designs fully guarantees its foliage and designs. As biologists and horticulturalists, we have a vested interest in ensuring the health and longevity of clients’ indoor gardens. As part of a routine maintenance program, we carefully curate the...
One Free Months Interior Plant Service for PDI Clients Only When You Refer and We sign Up A New Customer In Your Office Building. One Free Month Interior Plant Service for PDI Clients Only When You Refer PDI; Resulting In A Sign Up Of A New Future Customer For PDI In...
Burlington, Massachusetts Axial Communications offices Installs Topsider planters with live green office plants bringing in botanical nature to your office staff working cubicles by Plantscape Designs Inc of Massachusetts . Live Plants Assist in cleaning toxic indoor...