Businesses have long realized that the physical environment directly affects an employee’s ability to work. Now businesses are realizing that interior plants are a natural and vital part of a productive workplace. The majority of Fortune 500 Companies have landscaped...
Woburn, Massachusetts Summer Pricing and Design with Succulents and Aloes; Green Plants and Care by Plantscape Designs Inc Summer Pricing and Design with Succulents and Aloes; Green Plants and Care Woburn, MA at Millipore Labs. Woburn, MA River Rocks accentuate...
1. Neanthe Belle palms are 3′ tall low light green plants. This delicate foliage palm can soften your steel finish and glass accents found on your doors, cubicles, and conference rooms. Interior landscapers in the Boston area use these palms especially under...
Shine ,Shine, shine. Plantscape Designs inc shines all our indoor office plants with Neem to protect our leaves & stems from unwanted insects . Healthy indoor office plants require weekly cleaning of all leaf & stem surfaces. Within all our office...
1. The lady palm, or Rhapis Excelsa, is a small fan palm that can do exceedingly well indoors in your offices under the right conditions. It grows from multiple stems, each topped with upright fronds. As the name implies, the fronds are split into fan-like segments....
Caring for your Oncidium Orchid in your Woburn, MA interior office. Oncidium orchids care can be trickier than for its cousins, the tolerant Paphiopedilum (Lady Slipper) or Phalaenopsis (Moth orchid). Oncidium orchid care must include abundant light and definite dry...