Of all the orchid genera, the Cymbidium orchid is one of the easier to care for.  Because most commercially available Cymbidium orchids are terrestrials, they must have special, loose media to grow in. Typically, they thrive in a medium or fine fir bark mix or a specified Cymbidium potting mix. While this guide provides specific tips for one orchid, make sure to review Orchid Care Guide for All Types which provides general orchid care instruction relevant to Cymbidiums within your interior office work places Cambridge, MA.

Cymbidium Care Basics            

1. Light: Cymbidium orchid light requirements include: morning sun or afternoon sun, with protection from the hot mid-day sun. A light-green leaf with just a hint of yellow indicates the maximum amount of sun the plant can take, and a dark-green leaf indicates not enough sun.

2. Temperature: Cymbidiums will tolerate considerable summer heat as long as they get cool with PDI customer offices.

3. Water: Watering should be done frequently, sometimes twice per week during the summer months. Fertilize during 3 out of 4 of those irrigations. Always keep potting soil moist, but not wet or soggy. Decrease watering Cymbidium and increase air circulation during the dark periods.

4. Fertilizer: High-nitrogen fertilizers should be used from February until July, while low nitrogen fertilizers should be used from August until January. Use high nitrogen (30-10-10) fertilizer, but mix it only half-strength. Use a low fertilizer (6-6-30) diluted to ½ strength September through January. Keep in mind the specialized Cymbidium fertilizer is available in many garden stores.

5. Growth: Cymbidiums may not get very much taller, but more leaves and pseudobulbs will grow.

6. Blooming: From late December through May and last one to three months.

At Plantscape Designs Inc. cymbidium orchids are used readily within our corporate flowering reception programs.