Why sell office plant fall scenes for Interior Offices Waltham, MA? Why sell office plant fall scenes for Interior Offices Waltham, MA. Now Only $125.00 delivered! Autumn Holiday Scenes Sale of creative fall scenes can invite your employees and visiting clients into...
Why have interior landscapers water your indoor office plants? The reason for having interior landscapers water your office plants is because most office personal do not have the time to do it. Office plants need to be watered properly because they are so costly if...
Bromeliads add long lasting color to your interior officescape designs. Pink Fasciata (foster’s favorite) bromeliads are a great complimentary long lasting colorful plant on reception desks or conference room tables. Hot red/yellow torch bromeliads signal the...
Freesia is a type of about 14 different species. Usually Freesias are grown to be used as cut flowers. All the Freesia species are of African origin. 12 of the 14 species are native to Cape Province in South Africa and the other two are native to tropical Africa....
You should always clean your interior office plants.Cleaning and shining your office plants is not just for esthetic reasons alone.1.By cleaning your plants’ leafs surfaces you allow photosynthesis to occur.2. Photosynthesis is the photo biochemical process that...