Easy design suggestions for your indoor office plant are as follows:

1. To the right you have an attractive flourishing Chamedora seifrrizii palm jammed into a corner, pull it out from the wall to see its full potential beauty. This usually occurs overnight when office cleaning personal move your office plants against wall to better vacuum and clean your office carpets.
2. This botanical is so large and healthy, however, its “feet”need a larger pot , in order to proportionally balance the height and size of this plant so it is more esthetically pleasing. The 12″ diameter cylinder contemporary pot that this palm resides in needs a more proportionate 16” diameter pot.
At Plantscape Designs Inc we frequently upgrade our clients pots to better fit their healthy over sized indoor office plants in our Boston, MA locations.

Holiday Magic with Fresh Massachusetts Grown Poinsettias

Free delivery with every order of $50.00 or more Poinsettias Order

Christmas Scenes & Poinsettias

Just some of the services Plantscape Designs Inc Provides: Yes we are a Massachusetts Interior Office Plant Weekly Service.

1.   Free Commercial Consultations, Estimates, Proposals for indoor office plants Boston, MA

2. Flowering Plant Rotations for your Commercial Office Reception Desks Boston, MA

3. Weekly office plant maintenance & guarantee Boston, MA

4.  Green Plant Company servicing Commercial offices locally   Boston, MA

5. Indoor Planter Design and Renovation for indoor offices Boston, MA

6. Lexington , MA Living Tropical Plant Installation and Care for inside offices   Boston, MA

7. Living Plant wall design and Installation for inside offices Boston, MA

8.  Lifelike Silk Plant Design and Installation for interior offices  Boston, MA

9.  Sale and Maintenance of indoor tropical plant and flowers for your offices green living Boston, MA

10  Care and design of your interior office greenery   Boston, MA

11.  Commercial Office Indoor office plant Greenery Weekly Service   Boston, MA

12. Living Office Plant Rentals   Boston, MA

13. Office Plant Care Eco friendly   Boston, MA

14. Office Plant Service green living   Boston, MA

15.  Indoor Plant Design, Maintenance & Installation     Boston, MA

16. Free Indoor Plant Pricing and Design   Boston, MA

17. Living Wall Installation Care Design   Boston, MA

18. Interior Landscaping & Office Plant Installation     Boston, MA

19. Office Plant Servicing with weekly unconditional guarantee free replacement of your interiors cape office plants   Boston, MA

20 Interior Landscape & plant free consulting & free estimates   Boston, MA

21 Free Guaranteed  Interior office Plant replacement   Boston, MA

22. Free Quotes for Office Interior Plant Designs   Boston, MA

Superior weekly plant design, Installation weekly watering service & free plant replacement guarantee by Plantscape Designs Inc friendly Staff.

Always on time and consistent with there weekly maintenance programs;

Our offices are alive with these exotic indoor plants assisting us with cleaner air from airborne chemical pollutants like styenes, formaldehydes & benzenes .

Most recently , life green plants have been proven to reduce the viability of Covid19 airborne virus within office workplaces.”

States; Meredith office manager

Consentini Office Boston, MA

Name Goes Here

When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities. 


Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475


