1. There are over 700 species of Oncidium Alliance Orchids coming from Central and South America and thousands of hybrids around today. They have become very popular and make excellent cut flowers and potted plants. These long lasting flowering programs are affordable for your Boston office plantscapes.
2. Today’s breeding has created plants that can bloom throughout the year with hundreds of flowers. Along with the classic “Dancing Lady” shaped flowers, today’s breeders have created many new intergeneric hybrids that have larger flowers with a wider range of colors. Nearly all of today’s hybrids thrive in the typical home environment with sufficient light and modest care. Here we offer a few of the newer hybrids. All are of the highest quality and very easy to grow and flower.
We at Plantscape Designs Inc like to change up now and then our colorful phalaenopsis orchid monthly programs with exciting Hawaiian varieties. Here we have an intergeneric oncydium red variety. PDI also has cataleyas, millitonias, dendrobiums, etc..