Why one should visit Orto Botanica Padua Italy? Plants are essential for any society ‘s existence.

Orto Botanica is the oldest and first botanical garden in Europe. Padua University houses this indoor/ outgarden complex since 1545. It is the oldest academic botanical garden.
The Garden of Padua was founded upon deliberation of the Senate of the Venetian Republic. It was devoted to the growth of medicinal plants, the so-called “simple plants” (Orto dei semplici) which produced natural remedies, and also to help students distinguish legitimate medicinal plants from false ones.
The Botanical Garden of Padova (or Garden of the Simples) in a 16th century print; in the background, the Basilica of Sant’Antonio.
A circular wall enclosure was built to protect the garden from the frequent night thefts which occurred in spite of severe penalties (fines, prison, exile). The Botanical Garden was steadily enriched with plants from all over the world, particularly from the countries that participated in trade with Venice. Consequently, Padua had a leading role in the introduction and study of many exotic plants, and a herbarium, a library and many laboratories were gradually added to its Botanical Garden.
The Botanical Garden of Padua is the original of all botanical gardens throughout the world, and represents the birth of science, of scientific exchanges, and understanding of the relationship between nature and culture. It has made a profound contribution to the development of many modern scientific disciplines, notably botany, medicine, chemistry, ecology and pharmacy
Plantscape Designs Inc. of Boston, MA has always encouraged the botanical education of our staff as well as our Boston clients, inorder to further understand the important role of live green office plants in your Boston workplace and your daily life.
Christmas Scenes & Poinsettias



Plantscape Designs Inc is Here to Service Your Plants; Just Let us in Your Offices!


.Plantscape Designs Inc has and shall in the near future upon full reentry/ reopening of all businesses follow the CDC GUIDELINES:

A. The wearing of masks sanitized with 70% isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide

B. The wearing of gloves sanitized with 70% isopropyl alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide

C. The social/ physical distancing recommended by CDC of 6′ or more

D. PDI employees shall not be working at your location nor ours if said individual has a cough, sneeze, fever symptoms wethers it be of flu, cold, seasonal virus or covid-19 association.

thank you

Joseph R. Gallo Jr president/ founder of PDI

781.279.0032 ext 101

Joe Gallo

781.279.0032 x101



Kind regards,

Plantscape Designs Inc / Team




Holiday Specials by Plantscape Designs Inc Call Now!

Brilliant vibrant Red Massachusetts  Grown Poinsettias delivered to your offices by Plantscape Designs  Staff

“Our staff at Sarepta Pharmaceuticals is pleasantly happy about having live green plants in our workplace for esthetic reasons as well as for health reasons; Green Plants Clean Air of toxic Carcinogens that are airborne. As a result of Plantscape Designs consistent and knowledgeable weekly service , all of our employees and clients feel at ease.”

by Frank comptroller/ facility manager

Cambridge, MA

Name Goes Here

When we think of adding a colorful accent to our indoor office plants we often think about cut flowers or a flowering potted plant. Actually there is another option. Tropical foliage plants that have beautiful colored leaves. If your office has the right conditions, bright light and warm temperature, there is an unlimited selection of plants that have colorful foliage and variegated leaves. Crotons, Cordyline, Rex begonias, Stromanthe are just a few that can brighten your office with some color. We use many of these on locations in the Boston metro area. Colored leafy botanicals have unlimited plant possibilities. 


Brian Guilfoyle contact 781.632.4475


